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3 Reasons Why Your Followers Aren't Converting

While social media may not be the best avenue to increase your sales directly (meaning closing sales on social media), it is an amazing tool for driving traffic to the next tier in your sales funnel.

Whether you use it as a tool to drive traffic to your website or as a tool to gain email subscribers, your social media marketing efforts should be able to generate a return on your investment.

But if you’re looking at your follower count and wondering why the heck your audience isn’t converting in the way you want them to (meaning whatever a “conversion” may look like for you), keep reading because this blog post is for you!

You’re not asking your audience to take action

The first reason why your followers aren't converting is that you're not asking your audience for things.

Okay, so I know what you’re thinking…

What do I mean by “asking”?

It’s simple; whenever you want your audience to do something, you need to TELL THEM.

Tell them to click on a link in your bio. Tell them to share their experiences with you. Tell them to subscribe to your newsletter. Tell them to leave a comment.

Your call-to-actions are what make the difference between reaching your social media marketing goals and missing your shot.

You’re not engaging with your audience

While your follower count may be a vanity metric, it is an indication of how big of an audience you can potentially nurture and convert.

But here’s the thing…

Posting content and then ghosting won’t do anything for you and your brand. To get your audience to follow through on the call-to-action that you make, you MUST engage with them regularly.

Using relationship marketing to your advantage here is guaranteed to increase the likelihood that potential clients or prospects will take the action you are asking them to take.

If you want my tips and tricks for engaging with your audience on social media, I wrote a blog post for you on that topic. You can read it here.

You’re not consistent enough

Did you know that it takes an average of seven touchpoints with a brand before a customer makes a purchase decision?

This means that posting about your offer if you’re a service-based business or your products if you’re a consumer goods-based business once or twice a month is not enough.

You need to be using your social media in a strategic matter where you are balancing content pillars where you are providing your audience with value, but also drilling into their heads what you or your product can do for them.

And you must do this consistently.

What now?

If you’ve been investing time and energy into all of these things I mentioned and still don’t see any conversions, you may need to audit your social media strategy.

To learn more about how you can create a killer social media strategy, click here. This blog post goes through everything you need to know to excel at social media.

You can also get in touch with me if you need any extra help or have questions. Just email me at

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